France to India

France to India


     Hello everybody ! :D


     During holidays, I went to Madeira with my family. Madeira is a beautiful little Portuguese island in the Atlantic ocean.


Its length is 55 km. Its width is 22 km.

There are approximately 300 000 people. The main city is Funchal which means fennel.


     There is a microclimate so we can find a temperature between 14°C in winter and 30°C in summer.



     There are a lot of gardens. Madeira is also called "the floating garden". For exemple, in Funchal, we have visited two gardens : the botanical garden and the tropical garden.


The botanical garden

Vegetation is magnificient. We can see for example some "birds of paradise".




     There are some mountains, the highest is 1800m, so all roads are going up and down !


     Landscapes are green and yellow because there are banana trees

and sugar canes.

Wherever we look, we see crops !



     Madeira's food speciality is fish. Every day we can eat a different fish dish well prepared. Its wine is also famous.



     We didn't swim in the sea because the water is really cold !!!!



Others pictures :

This is a levada : an irrigation canal. There are 2500 km of levada in Madeira !



A view of Punta do Sol (typical town)



Funchal's fish market


Also Funchal's market

A lot of fruits and vegetables !


Black "bird of paradise"


To conclude :



Camille C.

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