France to India

France to India

history of our region


The Haute-Savoie :



The Rhône-Alpes correspond to the part in red. This is the logo of our region.





 Our region is divised in 8 departements: Isère, Ain, Drôme, Rhône, Loire, Ardèche, Haute-Savoie and Savoie. We live in Haute-Savoie. It borders both Italy and Switzerland.



The story of our department :

Since the 1713, Haute-Savoie and Savoie has been part of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Annexion of our region by France was formalised on March 24, 1860 in the Treaty of Turin (Turin is a big town in Italia).


During the Second World War, The « Maquis des Glières » where there is a group  of Free French Resistance, fighters who opposed the Nazi.



The ''Glières'' in winter.










 ''Les Glières'' in spring and summer.

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