France to India

France to India

Hello everybody I'm Laura

Hey girls and boys!!


My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old. I was born on 12th december 1995. So... I really love dance (even if I don't dance). I think dance is like a freedom, you do what you want with your body and you don't need to think about something, you just have to let you body do what it wants. Of course I like music, and every type of music : rap, classic, reggae, dance... The thing which I want more is to explore the world : each contry and each territory has a culture, a civilisation and I have so much to learn of these people. I will begin by India. Seriously, my vision of you and your contry is a big contry, SO colorful and so beautiful.

Also I really like go to movie theater, I go there at least once a week and my favorite film is The Schindler's list : a film in black and white about the Second World War, it's sad it's so moving.


I think I tell every thing I want. So good by!!!

(If you heard something it's my favorite song)

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